Aug 11, 2008

Ive been working so hard today at bettering my shop. I'm taking all new pictures and boy is it a ton of work. I think it will be worth it though I want my shop to have a more uniform feel even though I have so many different items in it. I love this new picture the detail is great and I think it shows the item well
Its funny ii set up this whole photo area you would laugh if you saw it I had long sheets of paper taped from the wall on my back porch then it went down over the table, you wouldn't know from the pictures but they came out great! I plan on having a sale when I'm done to get rid of some things I'm no longer going to make but better pictures will help the sales also! Etsy is a hard place to sell and I keep hearing pictures and promote those are the best way to get noticed and get sales so I'm working on both first pictures then I have to promote.


The Mom said...

Chin up. Try to make the most of everything as best you can. Maybe alter your focus on to something else for a bit, whatever makes you happy. I hear yah about all kids, all of the time. Hello, where are the grownups, I need to have a normal convo for once! LOL They will grow up, and the you'll wish they were little again, or that you weren't older. Enjoy it, even if it's hard to enjoy. Great blog! Thanks for finding me on Scouttle. I'm adding you to my reader, and blog.

Sex Diaries of a Mom

TLK KNS said...

Yes it takes alot of time with having etsy and creating a professional style to the mix along with having little ones to take care of. I have one child and it's a time of organization to try to keep up with.
