To me this is evil, wicked, and rude. Why you ask?
It steels my son from me, teaches him things he really
shouldn't know, and aids in his famous act of ignoring me. So here are a few tips on how to get this monster to stay off....
First build a tent in the living room. I promise it will result in hours of imaginative play.
Then Invite over someone with 3 boys and then tell all the kids "I don't care, make a mess" it will result in this
But, they had fun! Next break out the mighty octopus and a barrel of play dough and let them create, wonderful things will result.
And finally end the day with rice! Fill up that water or sand box with rice and yup bring it on in out of the cold and let it flow through their fingers all will enjoy. Don't worry about the mess it is so worth it.
and what keep the
TV off for good
ol mom? Knitting another washcloth mindless knitting that turn out to be oh so useful!